Jumat, 21 September 2012

The Miracle of Jelly gamat (Sea Cucumber)

Use of Gamat (Teripang, Sea Cucumber) as traditional antiseptics and versatile drug for various diseases has been known since 500 years ago on Langkawi Island community, which is a small island in peninsular Malaya (Malaysia). Usually, water be drunk Gamat to women after childbirth to stop the bleeding, and accelerate the wound healing process of circumcision on male children Langkawi Island community.
Researched by Scientists & Academics

Sea Cucumber properties have been studied by scientists around the world. Research conducted at several universities in Malaysia for eight years shows that the Sea Cucumber can blood circulation, prevent clogging cholesterol in the blood vessels, smooth function of the kidneys, increasing the level of metabolism, helps arthritis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension as well as accelerate the healing of wounds, both external wounds and internal injuries.

Based on the research at various universities around the world, found that the golden sea cucumber is very nutritious as versatile drug and as a traditional antiseptic. These studies proved that the sea cucumber / gamat contains "Cell Growth Factor" (cell regeneration factor) that stimulates the regeneration / recovery of human cells and tissues that have been damaged / sick even rot, so be healthy / recovered.

The easy example is in the case of diabetes mellitus. Besides drinking, gamat also applied to the wounds that had rotted away, even almost amputated. Apparently, "Cell Growth Factor" is able to work well so that the wound be quickly restored. According to Dr.Ir.M. Ahkam Subroto, M.App.Sc., Bioteknology Researcher of LIPI Indonesia, high protein content in the sea cucumber which reached 82%, is very usefull to be given to diabetics. High protein plays regenerate pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. The result, increased insulin production.

Studies in China reveal that the Sea Cucumber (Sea cucumber, Tripang, Gamat) also contain saponin glycosides. This component has a structure similar to the active component of ginseng, Ganoderma, and herbs of the famous tonic herbs. The study in China shows that there are anti-cancer in saponins and polysaccharides contained in the Sea Cucumber. These modern studies proving that the Sea Cucumber can be used as a tonic and nutritional supplements.

The effect on the HIV / AIDS: In medical research, lectin has been found to have therapeutic effects on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Results of laboratory tests using lymphoid cells, indicating that the plant lectin known as jacalin, are perfectly able to inhibit the HIV virus. In addition to its ability to agglutinate cells are very dangerous, lectin also act as indicators of the tumors.

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